So I have been totally blog-lazy and it was pointed out to me, which means I have a fan, yeah!! Been super busy being a mom, managing our properties, and it's placement season for the student exchange organization I work for. We place international students with host families for a cultural exchange year, and somehow I have become a wayward home for international teens. Lena from Germany spent three weeks with us while her host family was on vacation, then we were meant to be a temporary landing pad for Max from Sweden. Mike was fairly adamant about our hosting being a temporary situation. He wasn't sold about the idea, and I spent a fair amount of time reassuring him that it was transitory and I was working on it. Max wasn't here for more than a couple hours, however, before Mike turned to me, grinning with fatherly pride, and said "we're keeping him". This happened immediately after Mike asked Max what his favorite American football team was, and Max rightly responded with "the Eagles". I, of course, had nothing to do with that answer. I firmly deny any coaching or bribing attempts on my part. Now Mike is busy living vicariously through Max, signing him up to play football, and taking him to jam sessions to play guitar, and I am busy finding out if I bring a Swede into an Ikea, can I get a discount?

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