So I'm excited to show off our practically complete upstairs bathroom in Caroline

 There is still some tweeking to do, but I'm pretty thrilled with how it turned out. It's a room that makes me happy everytime I walk in both because of how how awesome it looks and how cheaply we did everything. Here is the cringe-worthy before, just to show you what we were working with:

And here's a selfie of  me in the bathroom, 7 months pregnant to show you what I was working against:

So, to completely transform the look and feel of the bathroom, we replaced the cheap white tile and vinyl flooring white tile and vinyl flooring

There was no major construction, as in ripping out walls or anything, but we did gut it (and when I say we, I mean Mike). Just about everything went except the original tub which was good enough (though I would have died for a free standing clawfoot (next house!?))

The original bathroom had a closet with a door immediatly to the right. It was super awkward space planning. The doors collided unless you opened them exactly right. Door went the way of the dinosaur and shelves/cubby was added. I had romantic ideals of styling these shelves to look chic and uncluttered, but you are seeing them here as they are in real life, full of mismatched towels and diaper cream. 

 This nook is a work-in-progress, but functional for now

Tile is white and black subway from Home Depot ($1.76 sq ft) Grout is grey which will (hopefully) stay cleaner looking than white grout which is a full time job to maintain. I also like the contrast. We realized after it would have looked better to frame the window in black tile too, but it was too late before inspiration struck. 

Shower head and trim kit is Pfister Sedona in Tuscan Bronze retail is around $180, but I got it off ebay for $83 including shipping. The showerhead has sexy curves, which is probably the first time someone has ever said that about a showerhead

Floor is peel and stick vinyl from K-mart  4 boxes of black, 4 of white for a grand total of $60.09 including shipping. The flooring was totally experimental. For under a hundred bucks, it could easily have crashed and burned, but I thought we could scrap it if it looked as cheap as it actually cost. Tile, for the same square footage, was easily 8 times as much, plus labor. It was worth the dice roll. Looks as good in person as it photographs. I originally thought the stripes should be skinnier, which meant cutting the tiles in half which was time consuming and difficult to get right. Mike convinced me to keep the size intact and he was right, looks awesome.

Empty wall above the light switch needs something, but I just haven't figured out what that something will be. Stay tuned

A giant map from Amazon covers the big wall opposite the sink. It's mounted on gatorboard and covers a huge amount of otherwise empty space for under $50. Bonus, while sitting on the throne you get a geography lesson. Did you know Paraguay is one of the only landlocked countries in South America? You would if you spent enough time in our bathroom

 Brass "Head" plaque on the door was a find from our travels through Florida last summer. We discovered a nautical salvage shop in St. Augustine with lots of little treasures like this, and all of the upstairs doors are now designated. Now guests have no excuse for "accidently" wandering into our master bedroom while looking for the bathroom

I love this cheeky monkey print by Steez above the toilet. Mike choose a pushbutton toilet so that we could appear European and wordly (is it working?)

The sink base is actually a dresser that was originally white and in good shape except for needing a paint job. Our dear friend Judy was upgrading her bedroom set and we scooped up the castoffs. This is also how we acquired our last couch, and is the only reason our kids have shoes (thanks for your hand-me downs Story family!!) I wanted green, but Mike picked this particular shade of green which happens to be Pantone's color of the year (isn't he chic!) When I first presented Mike with this project, I didn't care if the drawers actually worked after the plumbing was installed "as long as it looks good, it's good" being my general motto applying broadly to most things in life.Thankfully Mike is much more practical minded and all of the drawers are actually functional. More room for expired nail polish and department store perfume samples!

Lion pulls are ridiculously cool and ridiculously priced at $2 something a piece from here, I want to lion-knob adorn EVERYTHING!

Vessel sink is ebay and so is the bamboo tap total for the lot was $117 with shipping. I was really pulling for his-and-her sinks in here, but alas, the space just wasn't there.

Black and white toothbrush (and other crap) holder is actually a planter pot. Pot, buddah and copper vase are all Marshall's impulse buys. (Damn you clearance isle, you get me everytime!) 

I desperatly coveted this shower curtain by Thomas Paul

but at $120 I just couldn't pull the trigger. I have children who make things dirty by just being in the same zip code. Also, I couldn't mentally wrap my head around the shower curtain costing twice the flooring.  So, the current shower curtain is from Target, discontinued, ordered off ebay for under $20.

Recessed lighting was added above the tub. It's fabulous because it gives off just enough lighting so that you can tell you don't have toothpaste on your face, but not enough so that you can see your pores( I don't ever want to see my pores) The fixture above the vanity was a steal for $25 from Habitat for Humanity. It is in perfect condition and came off the wall of a lighting showroom, brand new (well, practically)

 Dried eucalyptus requires zero maintence, looks sculptural, and smells fresh and clean, leaving the impression that I have recently cleaned the bathroom (insert laugh track)
Side by side before and after

A parting shot of our little scooby enjoying the room

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