I've been really grooving on this lantern light fixture trend I've been seeing lately.

When it's done well, it is such a big, brave moment in a room. It's a fine line into weirdville though, you don't want to look like your channeling the headless horseman in some spooky colonial America re-enactment. So I wasn't actively seeking one of these fixtures for fear of getting it wrong, but when I spotted this diamond-in-the rough, I just had to snap it up

It was hanging from the rafters at Habitat for Humanity and was missing two pieces of glass, which was actually awesome. I knew the glass didn't effect the functionality. I actually thought it would look better, more modern, less Paul Revere, without the dated seeded glass panels. I was totally right, sans glass it looks like a gilded birdcage

Also, the asking price was $65 which was amazing, but I played up the fact that it was "broken" due to the missing panels, and got it for $50. An absolute steal

What I didn't know, however was how ridiculously, prohibitively heavy the things was going to be. It took a forklift and three underpaid workers to get the thing down from the rafters and loaded into my teeny-tiny mazda. An easy 75 pounds

I did some browsing when I got home just to get some interior inspiration, and by some Google miracle, I found my exact.same.lantern here retailing for over $2000 clams. Holy schnikey's.
So now I'm thinking, "should we sell this behemoth?" I get a little hypervental-y when I imagine hanging the thing, it's truly the size of a small elephant, but then I think about how entirely perfect it is for our huge living room, and I fall in love with it all over again. 

The deciding factor is going to be whether our electrician gives us the thumbs up or not to hang it. I'll keep you posted  

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