I bought my first house at age 23, mostly because I was obsessed with decorating and renting just wasn't cutting it. Nevermind I had no money, or credit, and it was just before the housing bubble exploded, I wanted to paint some walls dammit! So we (ex boyfriend two dogs and me) with Mom's help went whole hog on a 4/2 fixer upper in a great neighborhood. It had potential, loads of potential! It also had a drop ceiling (with flourescent lighting), jalousie windows, a kitchen that hadn't been updated since the 50's and an enormous ficus who's roots were destroying the foundation. Didn't matter, I was in love with all of it. Thus began my collection of green houses.

Fast forward 7 years everything in the first house (Garden Ave) is upgraded (including the boyfriend)! We had also purchased, renovated, and rented out a second (green) house.Time to start enjoying the fruits of our labor, right? Right? Or, less logically, 7 months pregnant with a toddler underfoot, we could start the process all over again. Gluttons for punishment, that's what we did. With a bigger (and needier) house, a 3/3 with a pool, an office a 3 car garage and ........wait for it.......airplane hanger (yes, truly). Also included in this purchase: blue shag carpeting, a cesspool where the pool should be, termites, and lots and lots (and lots) of wood paneling, yeah!

Currently we are in the throws of negotiating a short sale purchase for house #4 which will promptly be painted green to add to the collection

For your viewing pleasure... here is our photostory of the adventure

Garden (before it was green)



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