I've been really grooving on this lantern light fixture trend I've been seeing lately.
It's a really good thing my kids don't have college funds because if they did, I might empty them to buy this:
La Cornue CornuFĂ© Stove, Provence Blue $8,600
We decided that our two girls should share a bedroom because we wanted to keep one of the rooms set up as a guest room, kept free of Lego's and swaddle blankets, since we get a lot of company. We all sleep piled on top of each other like a pack of wolves anyways, so having a "kids bedroom" right now is basically just a fancy place to keep their clothes
Our good friends were cleaning out their storage unit and had two beautiful twin beds that they didn't have the space for anymore. These were the same friends that gifted us the dresser that later became our bathroom vanity, the sectional couch we had for years in the Garden Ave house, and lots of other furniture, clothes and toys. When they decide to spring clean, we circle like a pack of vultures, we know we are getting something good!
The beds were white and a little rough, so I painted them a very pale pink semigloss. I had wanted to do huge monogram decals on the wall above the beds, but once they were painted and assembled, I thought it would be perfect for the decals to go straight on the headboards.
I've been a fan of Emily Henderson since she won Design Star how ever many seasons ago. She's no Antonio Ballatore, but she's a pretty good designer. One of her signature moves has been adding these big sculptural trees to her interior spaces called fiddle leaf figs
She may actually be a little obsessed, but they work! I did a little digging (pun intended) and found out that anyone whose anyone is using these African native trees in their spaces
We bought the house on Caroline knowing full well it came with it's share of problems. Some were obvious like the cesspool of a pool, and some were not so obvious until we started to pull things apart.
The floor in the living room was past-it's-prime beige wall-to-wall carpeting. I despise carpeting in general, but this was especially horrid. It was one of the first things to go. Once the carpeting was 86'd we noticed a slight dip in the floor. Nothing too serious, but the floor would need to be leveled before we could put any new flooring in.Worrying about this took a back burner to adding a new bathroom in the airplane hanger, fixing the gate on the Garden Ave house for the tenants, completing the kids living room under the stairs, and having a new baby (to name a few). We lived with the plywood subloor for a while with this room functioning as a catch-all for junk, an indoor soccer court, and a beanbag nap center
It was good that we caught the problem and were able to seal up the gaping hole, otherwise we'd soon be dealing with more wood rot and decay.
There is, as yet, no "after" photo because our living room (or as I am fondly calling it, "the pit of despair") still looks like this. Mike has been working on putting everything back together all week, and tommorrow we should at least get back to the plywood subfloor so we can play soccer in our living room again.
On this episode of sh!t my dad brings over (backstory) we have this lovely fish carving/wall hanging from Jamaica